Successful Beach Cleaning Campaign at El Surgidero

As part of the initiative to promote citizen involvement in environmental matters and in commemoration of World Kindness Day, the Costa Palmas Foundation, in collaboration with Four Seasons Los Cabos, organized a beach cleaning campaign at El Surgidero Beach in La Ribera. Local organizations and governmental authorities actively participated in this impactful effort, including Baja Med, the Municipal Coordination of the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone of Los Cabos (Zofemat), the Los Cabos Municipality, the Delegation of La Ribera, and the Secretary of Urban Planning, Infrastructure, Mobility, Environment, and Natural Resources.

Approximately 135 individuals took part in this activity, including members of the Costa Palmas Aventura team, Four Seasons Resort staff, Costa Palmas contractors, Costa Palmas staff, and La Ribera residents. Through the use of three machines and a collective effort over three hours, a total of 12 tons of trash were collected, and separated into organic and inorganic waste. This successful cleanup of El Surgidero Beach had a significant impact, especially considering the aftermath of Hurricane Norma in October.

"Today, we have demonstrated that unity is strength," emphasized Hector Castro, Coordinator of the Northern Zone of Zofemat. "I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Costa Palmas Foundation, Four Seasons Los Cabos, and the State government. Together, we have made significant progress. Thank you very much."

Jorge Bengoa, of the Costa Palmas Aventura team, shared, "It is always enriching to contribute our bit to the environment and the community. This unites us as a community and society."

The Director of People and Culture at Four Seasons, Juliana Taioli,  also actively participated in the beach cleaning alongside a team of 20 resort staff. "At Four Seasons Los Cabos, during World Kindness Day, we strive to undertake activities that contribute to both the planet and the community. This activity successfully combines both aspects, and we are delighted to have contributed."

At the Costa Palmas Foundation, we envision this campaign as the inaugural event in a series of beach-cleaning initiatives. We are steadfast in our commitment to supporting activities that encourage both individual and collective participation while promoting environmental values. Until next time!

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Community activities begin in Costa Palmas


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Carolina Castro, Paralympic medalist sponsorship

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Fundación Costa Palmas

Start of operations Costa Palmas Foundation

Authorization to receive donations




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